- !Inequality with log.PNG
- 1012. Sol...pdf
- 1021. Sol..pdf
- 1022. Sol..pdf
- 1023. Sol..pdf
- 1026.Sol..pdf
- 1036,1037,1038-Solutions..pdf
- 1037. Sol..pdf
- 1038. Sol..pdf
- 1041. Sol..pdf
- 1076.Sol..PNG
- 1079.Sol..PNG
- 1080.Sol..PNG
- 12038. Sol..pdf
- 12057(a) Sol..pdf
- 2580,2581,2585. Sol..pdf
- 3123, 3125-solutions.pdf
- 3167. CRUX v.33,n.6. Official solution..PNG
- 3167. Solution by proposer..PNG
- 3329.Solution by proposer..pdf
- 3719. Sol..pdf
- 3729. Sol..pdf
- 3941,3942 CRUX vol.40,n.5.PNG
- 3946. Two inequalities with internal angle bisectors.PNG
- 3948. Crux v.40,n.5 -Solution.PNG
- 3961. Sol..pdf
- 3964. Sol..pdf
- 3965. Sol..pdf
- 3970. Sol..pdf
- 4013. Official solutions..pdf
- 4103. Sol..pdf
- 4103.Sol..pdf
- 4158.Sol..pdf
- 4207. Proposed by Mihaela Berindeanu..PNG
- 4306. Solution..pdf
- 4308.Sol.pdf
- 4348. Sol..pdf
- 4491. Sol..pdf
- 4493. Sol..pdf
- 5211-official solutions 11.-2012.pdf
- 5335. Official solutions..pdf
- 5338. Solution by proposer..pdf
- 5358. Solution by proposer..PNG
- 5359. Three official solutions.pdf
- 5387. Official solutions.pdf
- 5398. Sol.pdf
- 5400. Solution by proposer.pdf
- 5404. Four official solutions..pdf
- 5453. Official solutions..pdf
- 5453. Sol..pdf
- 5466._Three official solutions-SSMA (January 2018).pdf
- 5467._Four official solutions (SSMA-January 2018).pdf
- 5477. Official solutions..pdf
- 5478. Official solutions..pdf
- 5478. Sol..pdf
- 5495. Official solutions..pdf
- 5495. Solution.(And one more limit of Lalescu kind sequence.).pdf
- 5519. Solution.pdf
- 5525-official solutions..pdf
- 866. Sol..pdf
- 936. Solution...pdf
- A Class of Inequalities_n.1.PNG
- A Class of Inequalities_n.2(short solution).PNG
- A Class of Inequalities_n.2.PNG
- A Class of Inequalities_n.3(J258).Sol..PNG
- A Class of Inequalities_n.4(S289). Sol..PNG
- A point P in the plane of a triangle.pdf
- A point P on the circumcircle of a right-angled triangle.pdf
- A trigonometric inequality.pdf
- AM-GM inequality with logarithms.pdf
- About natural numbers which is a sum of at least two consecutive naturals..PNG
- About one inequality with exp. function.PNG
- About one inequality. Its proofs and short history.pdf
- About one non linear recurrence of the third order.pdf
- About polynomials of degree 3.pdf
- About two properties of Fibonacci Numbers.pdf
- Additions to one problem (calculations of two integrals).pdf
- After translation..PNG
- Algebraic equivalent of Walker's Inequality..PNG
- Algebraic equivalent of one geometric inequality in acute triangle..PNG
- Algebraic inequality with geometric interpretation 2..PNG
- Algebraic inequality with geometric interpretation..PNG
- Algebraic inequality with geometric interpretation3.PNG
- Algebraic inequality with trigometric variations..pdf
- Algebraic version of triangle inequality for side lengths of Median Triangle..pdf
- Almost Vieta's system of equations..PNG
- Almost asymptotic inequality.PNG
- Alternating infinite sum with double factorial..pdf
- An inequality from IMO 2009 Shortlist from Estonia.pdf
- An inequality with radicals..pdf
- And again problem related to quadratically connected sequences..pdf
- And more pair of sequences that quadratically connected..PNG
- And one more limit related to e.pdf
- And without L'Hopital's Rule..PNG
- Angel's preserving linear mapping..pdf
- Another Cyclic inequality(corrected) ..PNG
- Another proof of inequality (1)..PNG
- Anti Reciprocal inequality..pdf
- Area of trapezoid(via partial areas).pdf
- Area via given partial areas..pdf
- Arithmetic progression defined by inequality.pdf
- Around main trigonometric identity in a triangle..pdf
- Asymmetric and nonhomogeneous inequality with three variables with square root..PNG
- Asymptotic behavior of one sequence defined recursively..PNG
- Asymptotic behavior of one sequence defined recursively..PNG
- Asymptotic of one sum..pdf
- Asymptotic representation of a sequence defined by non linear recurrence..PNG
- Asymptotic variant of the problem..PNG
- Basic inequalities with distances..pdf
- Basic inequality with distances..pdf
- Blundon's Inequality.pdf
- CRUX 1701-Solution.PNG
- Calculate limit with product of n differences..pdf
- Calculate the limit 2.pdf
- Calculate the limit 3.pdf
- Calculate the limit 4.pdf
- Calculate the limit 5.pdf
- Calculate the limit 6.pdf
- Calculate the limit 7.pdf
- Calculate the limit 8..pdf
- Calculate the limit 9..pdf
- Calculate the limit with binomomial coefficients.pdf
- Calculate the limit with hidden factorial.pdf
- Calculate the limit with power-exponential function..pdf
- Calculate the limit.PNG
- Calculate the limit.pdf
- Calculate the missing angle.pdf
- Calculation of one composite series..PNG
- Calculation of one infinite sum..pdf
- Calculation of one limit (without L'Hôpital's rule)..PNG
- Calculation of one limit by passing to limit under integral..PNG
- Calculation of the one limit with n-th root and ln.PNG
- Combined progression..PNG
- Compare the numbers(product of logarithms).pdf
- Compare two product with logarithms..PNG
- Compute the missing area..PNG
- Corrected statement of one problem.PNG
- Corrected statement of one problem_variant 1.PNG
- Corrected statement of one problem_variant 2.PNG
- Corrected variant of the problem..pdf
- Corrected version.PNG
- Correction to one limit problem..PNG
- Correlations between angles of two triangles with sides related by equations..PNG
- Counterexamples & correction.PNG
- Counterexamples & correction.pdf
- Criterion for existence of n-periodic orbits of one Mobius function.pdf
- Cyclic criterion for equilateral triangle..PNG
- Cyclic form of Schure's inequality(Solution with Wendy's Subst.).PNG
- Cyclic form of Schure's inequality..PNG
- Cyclic inequality from Indian TST to the IMO 2002.PNG
- Cyclic inequality in a triangle..PNG
- Cyclic inequality involving cube roots..PNG
- Cyclic inequality involving square roots.pdf
- Cyclic inequality with constraint..PNG
- Cyclic inequality with quadratic roots(variant2)..PNG
- Cyclic inequality with quadratic roots..pdf
- Cyclic inequality with three variable that belong to closed interval..PNG
- Cyclic inequality with three variables involving fractions..pdf
- Cyclic inequality.PNG
- Cyclic refinement of reciprocal inequality.pdf
- Decomposition of any natural number as sum of squares of rational numbers..pdf
- Definite integral involving sine, cosine and logarithm..PNG
- Definite integral with sine and cosine..PNG
- Difference representation of one binomial expansion.pdf
- Difference=perfect square..PNG
- Differential equation..PNG
- Divisibility by 40 of a natural numbers that satisfy two quadratic properties..PNG
- Divisibility property of a one sequence defined recursively.PNG
- Divisibility property of one sequence defined by nonlinear recurrence..PNG
- Double algebraic inequality with geometric interpretation of its right hand side..pdf
- Double inequality for ratio of double factorials..PNG
- Double inequality for variables that belong to a segment..PNG
- Double inequality for variables that belong to a segment..pdf
- Double inequality in N..pdf
- Double inequality related to Hyperfactorial.pdf
- Double inequality with GM and AM and involving ln..PNG
- Double inequality with constraint x+y+z=1..PNG
- Double inequality with side lengths, medians, inradius and circumradius..PNG
- Double inequality with sum of quadratic roots of consecutive natural numbers..PNG
- Double inequality with three variables and rational constraint..PNG
- Easy Inequality with n variables that on first glance looks scary..PNG
- Equation involving product of integer and fractional parts..PNG
- Equation with Fibonacci coefficients..pdf
- Equation with nested roots.png
- Evaluate infinite sum with tan..pdf
- Evaluation of one infinitely nested square roots..PNG
- Evalution of one limit..PNG
- Exact Trigonometric Product Mystery.PNG
- Existence of rational root between 1 and 2..PNG
- Exotic limit with e.PNG
- Explicit formula for sequence defined by nonlinear recurrence..PNG
- FQ_H840.pdf
- Find radius of the circle..PNG
- Find the minimum value....PNG
- Find the value of one cyclic expression.PNG
- Functional equation in continuous functions. (2).PNG
- Functional equation in polynomial functions..pdf
- Functional equation on N..pdf
- Functional equation with twice iterated function.pdf
- Functional equation.(U182).PNG
- Functional equation..PNG
- Generalization of 220. (Vu Duc Canh).PNG
- Generalization of Cyclic inequality from Indian TST to the IMO 2002.PNG
- Generalization of inequality involving sum with abs of differences..pdf
- Generalization of one limit..PNG
- Generation of all rational numbers in (0,1)..pdf
- Geometric Inequalities with polynomial 2xy+2yz+2zx2-sqr(x)-sqr(y)-sqr(z), v.22,n.2- 2014.pdf
- Geometric inequalities involving a,b,c,r,R.pdf
- Geometric inequality with maximal altitude..pdf
- Hard inequality.PNG
- Hard.pdf
- Hyperbola and Orthocenter Mystery..PNG
- Identity involving binomial coefficients with additions..pdf
- Identity with distances in equilateral triangle..PNG
- Identity with integer parts involving three square roots..PNG
- Identity with integer parts..PNG
- Identity with product of sines..pdf
- Identity with sum of binomial coefficients.pdf
- Identity with sum that involve binomial coefficients..PNG
- Identity(Two sums with integer parts)..pdf
- Inequalities with powers of binomials 1+x,1-x.PNG
- Inequalities with two variables Cut the Knot.pdf
- Inequality for a sequence defined by recurrence.PNG
- Inequality for acute tringle with tan and sec..PNG
- Inequality for coefficients of one trigonometric polynomial..pdf
- Inequality for n-th term of sequence..pdf
- Inequality for ratio of inradius to circumradius in an obtuse triangle..PNG
- Inequality for ratio of inradius to altitude to the hypotenuse..PNG
- Inequality for secant..PNG
- Inequality for secant..pdf
- Inequality for sequence defined recursively..PNG
- Inequality for sum of distances from incenter to the vertices of a triangle..pdf
- Inequality for sum of distances from incenter to vertices in a triangle..PNG
- Inequality for sum of weighted integer parts..PNG
- Inequality for three non coplanar vectors..pdf
- Inequality for two sequences defined recursively..PNG
- Inequality from Crux..PNG
- Inequality from Vietnam 1988 MO..PNG
- Inequality from West German Math Olympiad, 1982..PNG
- Inequality in a right triangle..pdf
- Inequality in a triangle involving side lengths, medians and product of cosines..PNG
- Inequality in a triangle involving square roots and sine..PNG
- Inequality in a triangle with cosine, sine, inradius and semiperimeter..PNG
- Inequality in a triangle with side-lengths and semiperimeter..PNG
- Inequality in a triangle with squares of medians and side lengths.PNG
- Inequality in a triangle with symedians..pdf
- Inequality in a triangle with vanished variables, circumradius and sidelengths 2..PNG
- Inequality in a triangle with vanished variables, circumradius and sidelengths..PNG
- Inequality in a triangle..PNG
- Inequality in triangle involving medians.pdf
- Inequality involving absolute values..PNG
- Inequality involving altitudes and circumradius(1 solutution for 2 problems).pdf
- Inequality involving altitudes in a non obtuse triangle..PNG
- Inequality involving distances from incener to vertices..pdf
- Inequality involving equilateral triangles.pdf
- Inequality involving factorial and powers of e with natural exponents..PNG
- Inequality involving factorial and powers of e with natural exponents.2.PNG
- Inequality involving logarithms..PNG
- Inequality involving pedal triangle..PNG
- Inequality involving quadratic roots..PNG
- Inequality involving square roots and logarithms..PNG
- Inequality involving square roots in denominator..PNG
- Inequality involving square roots of quadratic forms..PNG
- Inequality involving square roots..PNG
- Inequality involving tan of half angles, sidelengths and radii..PNG
- Inequality involving triangles (with midpoints).pdf
- Inequality involving triangles with vanishing variables..pdf
- Inequality involving triangles.pdf
- Inequality normalized by abc=1.pdf
- Inequality of George Apostolopuolos..PNG
- Inequality of George Apostolopuolos..pdf
- Inequality on hyperplane..PNG
- Inequality that equivalent to inequality with delta polynomial..pdf
- Inequality which looks easy but in fact it isn't so..PNG
- Inequality with 2 variables, sol.2.PNG
- Inequality with 2 variables..PNG
- Inequality with 4 variable and quadratic roots..PNG
- Inequality with AM and GM.PNG
- Inequality with Fibonacci numbers.PNG
- Inequality with R, r and max. altitude in a non-obtuse triangle..pdf
- Inequality with R, r and max. altitude..pdf
- Inequality with altitudes, circumradius and inradius in a triangle..pdf
- Inequality with angle bisectors and squares of side lengths in a triangle.PNG
- Inequality with angle bisectors, extended angle bisectors and sinuses..pdf
- Inequality with area of pedal triangle for centroid of an acute angled triangle..PNG
- Inequality with areas and distances in a triangle..PNG
- Inequality with areas of bisectorial triangles..pdf
- Inequality with binomial coefficients..PNG
- Inequality with circumradius of Median Triangle..PNG
- Inequality with constraint that involve cubic root..pdf
- Inequality with cubic roots.PNG
- Inequality with cyclic summation.pdf
- Inequality with distances from incenter to vertices and circumcircle..PNG
- Inequality with distances from interior point of a triangle to its vertices and side lengths..PNG
- Inequality with distances from interior point of a triangle to its vertices..PNG
- Inequality with distances in an equilateral triangle..PNG
- Inequality with e and pi..pdf
- Inequality with exponential and trigonometric functions..PNG
- Inequality with extended angle bisectors..pdf
- Inequality with four components.pdf
- Inequality with four variables..pdf
- Inequality with fractional and integer parts..PNG
- Inequality with generalization..pdf
- Inequality with geometric interpretation..pdf
- Inequality with harmonic numbers..pdf
- Inequality with log..PNG
- Inequality with logarithm and product of roots from natural numbers..PNG
- Inequality with logarithm.pdf
- Inequality with logarithms and exponents..pdf
- Inequality with logarithms..PNG
- Inequality with logarithms.PNG
- Inequality with medians, altitudes and cos.pdf
- Inequality with medians, inradius and sines..PNG
- Inequality with medians, side lengths and area..PNG
- Inequality with medians, side lengths and cosines in an acute triangle..PNG
- Inequality with multiplicative nested radicals..pdf
- Inequality with n distinct positive integers..PNG
- Inequality with n variables and square roots in denominators..PNG
- Inequality with n+1 positive real numbers..PNG
- Inequality with n-th powers of two binomials..PNG
- Inequality with n-variables and constraint in inequality form..PNG
- Inequality with one variable & two exponents..pdf
- Inequality with polynomial and its derivative..PNG
- Inequality with polynomial and x in power x.PNG
- Inequality with powers of three binomials 2..PNG
- Inequality with powers of three binomials..PNG
- Inequality with product of logarithms..PNG
- Inequality with product of three shifted squeres.pdf
- Inequality with quadratic constraint in R..pdf
- Inequality with quadratic normalization..PNG
- Inequality with ratio e to pi..PNG
- Inequality with ratio of two nested quadratic roots..pdf
- Inequality with reciprocal constraint(copy).png
- Inequality with refinement.pdf
- Inequality with side lengths, altitudes and circumradius..pdf
- Inequality with side lengths, cosine and area in a triangle..PNG
- Inequality with six variables..PNG
- Inequality with square roots.PNG
- Inequality with squares of cosines and side lengths. Corrected version of the problem..PNG
- Inequality with sum of cubes and product.pdf
- Inequality with sum of powers..pdf
- Inequality with sum of ratios bisector to median..pdf
- Inequality with sum of squares in denumerator..pdf
- Inequality with sum of squares of logarithms..PNG
- Inequality with the product.PNG
- Inequality with three inradii in a right-angled triangle..PNG
- Inequality with three real variables subject to constraint..PNG
- Inequality with three variables (5359.SSMJ)..PNG
- Inequality with three variables involving square roots..PNG
- Inequality with two variables and quadratic roots..PNG
- Inequality with two variables and unusual constraint..PNG
- Inequality with two variables in triangular domain..PNG
- Inequality with unusual constraint..PNG
- Inequality with vanished variables..PNG
- Inequality with vanished variables.pdf
- Inequality with variations..PNG
- Inequality with x-y,y-z,z-x..PNG
- Inequality.pdf
- Infinite product for a sequence defined by quadratic recurrence..PNG
- Infinite series with harmonic numbers.pdf
- Infinite sum in the third degree..pdf
- Infinite sum related to number e..PNG
- Infinite sum with arccos..PNG
- Integer part of n-th term of one sequence..PNG
- Integer part of numerical expression which is always odd number.PNG
- Integer part of one sum2.pdf
- Integer value of expression with radicals.pdf
- Integral equation.PNG
- Inverse to Erdos-Mordell inequality.pdf
- Investigation of some inequality..pdf
- Investigation ofsomeinequality(short).PNG
- Irrational function which value for any term of one sequence is an integer number..PNG
- Irrationality of one numerical expression..PNG
- J258.Sol..PNG
- J421. Sol..pdf
- J423. Sol..pdf
- J425. Sol..pdf
- J87. Official solutions.pdf
- Klamkin Quickies (OC-213).pdf
- Lalescu kind limit involving radical superfactorial..PNG
- Length of an angle bisector..PNG
- Like triangle inequality involving area..PNG
- Limit calculation.pdf
- Limit involving binomial coefficients..PNG
- Limit involving fractional part..PNG
- Limit of a n-th root of the sequence which defined by convolutive recurrence relation..PNG
- Limit of one more Lalescu kind sequence..pdf
- Limit of sequence defined by system of two linear recurrences..PNG
- Limit of sequence via integral..PNG
- Limit with a composite Sine..pdf
- Limit with iterated logarithm.(solution).PNG
- Limit with logarithmic and exponential functions..PNG
- Limit with product of binomial coefficients..PNG
- Limit with ratios of natural logarithms..PNG
- Limit with shifted harmonic numbers..pdf
- Limit with the product of tangents..PNG
- Limit, involving sum of binomial coefficients..PNG
- Linear Fractional recurrenceture.PNG
- Llimit with binomial coefficients.pdf
- Logarithmic Inequalities with AM & GM.pdf
- Lower and upper bounds for difference btween 3n-th and n-th harmonic numbers..PNG
- Lower and upper bounds.... Remark..PNG
- Lower bound for sum of medians in non-obtuse triangle..pdf
- Lower bound for sum of ratios of side length to length of angle bisector..PNG
- Lower bound for sum of squres of ratios altitudes to sidelengts.pdf
- MH67, AMJ-vol.6, n.1,2019.PNG
- MR6, 2015 All solutions in one file..pdf
- Main geometric Inequality..PNG
- Majorant for sum of products side lengths and medians.PNG
- Maximization of one function involving absolute values..PNG
- Maximization without calculus..PNG
- Maximum and minimum values of one trigonometric function..PNG
- Maximum of function three variables..PNG
- Maximum of product of three paired differences.pdf
- Maximum value of an expression..PNG
- Maximum value of one cyclic expression.PNG
- Min, max problem with constraint for the product of two sum with rational expressions..PNG
- Min, max problem with constraint..PNG
- Minimal value of one polynomial..PNG
- Minimization of one 3-variables function with constraint without Lagrange multiplier principle.pdf
- Minimization sum of wieghted distances in a triangle..pdf
- Minimum of one trigonometric expression in a triangle..PNG
- Minorant and majorant for sum of reciprocal to elements of one sequence defined via nonlinear recurrence..PNG
- Minorant for one sum..PNG
- Minorant for sum of two sequences defined by system of recurrences..PNG
- Modification of Weitzenböck's inequality.PNG
- Multidimentional sum with m-th power of min(W15,Octogon, 2017).pdf
- Mysterious cubic equation.pdf
- Neravenstvo..pdf
- Nested cubic roots..pdf
- Nested square roots..pdf
- No mapping with n fixed n-points..pdf
- Non homogeneous inequality..PNG
- Nonlinear recurrence which equivalent to linear..pdf
- Nonlinear system of equation which equivalent to a linear system..PNG
- Not elementary integral..pdf
- Number of of ordered triples.PNG
- O260. Solution by proposer..pdf
- O260_n.3_2013-official solution.pdf
- O274. Solution by proposer.PNG
- Official solutions to 5435,5436,5437..pdf
- One 2-nd digree LH recurrence with nonconstant coefficients (short)..PNG
- One 2-nd digree LH recurrence with nonconstant coefficients..PNG
- One Genometric Inequality with vanished variables..pdf
- One Identity with side-lengths and cosines in a triangle..PNG
- One Inequality with angle bisectors..pdf
- One Polynomial Mean Inequality.(5417).pdf
- One algebraic problem..PNG
- One algebraic system with geometric interpretation..PNG
- One application of Jensen's Inequality..PNG
- One application of Stolz-Cezaro Theorem..PNG
- One combinatirix problem.PNG
- One conflicting inequality.pdf
- One corollary from Weitzenböck's inequality..PNG
- One cyclic geometric inequality..pdf
- One cyclic inequality with generalization..pdf
- One cyclic inequality with medians and altitudes in a triangle..PNG
- One cyclic inequality..PNG
- One divisibility problem involving Pell's equation..PNG
- One divisibility problem..PNG
- One divisibility property related to Pell's eqution x²-2y²=1..PNG
- One double inequality for a right triangle..pdf
- One double inequality in a triangle..PNG
- One double sum.PNG
- One equivalent of Schure's Inequality..pdf
- One equivalent of Walker Inequality..pdf
- One hard trigonometric inequality in a triangle.pdf
- One identity related to extended bisectors..PNG
- One important property related to spectrum of irrational number bigger 1..pdf
- One inequality for obtuse-angled triangle..PNG
- One inequality for sum of medians for a non-obtuse triangle..PNG
- One inequality instead two..pdf
- One inequality instead two.PNG
- One inequality involving factorial with improvement..PNG
- One inequality involving reciprocal to n real numbers.pdf
- One inequality with four variables..PNG
- One inequality with integer parts which in fact is equality..PNG
- One inequality with sidelengths and circumradius..PNG
- One inequality with sidelengths and circumradius..pdf
- One inequality with sum of logarithms of natural numbers..PNG
- One inequality with three variables involving fractions..PNG
- One inequality with two variables (4 solutions).PNG
- One inequality with two variables (generalization).PNG
- One interesting inequality with cubic constraint..PNG
- One interesting inequality..pdf
- One limit in Lalescu stile.PNG
- One limit involving Euler's constant and logarithm.PNG
- One limit of Lalescu kind sequence..pdf
- One limit related to e..PNG
- One limit with product which related to e..pdf
- One limit with superfactorial 2..pdf
- One limit with superfactorial.PNG
- One maxmin problem in generic terms..PNG
- One more limit in Lalescu stile.(Solution).PNG
- One more limit of Lalescu kind sequence..pdf
- One more limit.pdf
- One more sequence that converge to e..pdf
- One nonhomogeneous inequality..pdf
- One not simple inequality.pdf
- One numerical inequality..PNG
- One olympiad inequality..pdf
- One problem about quadratically connected sequences.pdf
- One problem involving Pell equation.pdf
- One problem with many solutions..pdf
- One problem--three solution..PNG
- One product of two complex powers with real positive value..PNG
- One really sharp inequality..pdf
- One refinament of Weitzenböck's inequality.pdf
- One refinement of Reciprocal Inequality..PNG
- One sensitive inequality..PNG
- One sharp inequality which looks simple..PNG
- One simple inequality with many not simple applications..PNG
- One sum involving tan in the 3-d degree..PNG
- One summation problem..PNG
- One symmetric rational inequality with constraint..PNG
- One system of congruences..PNG
- One trigonometric equation with two variables.PNG
- Only Cauchy Inequality..PNG
- Parametric limit..PNG
- Positivity of the polynomial of even degree that looks like e^{x}..PNG
- Power series with Fibonacci coefficients..PNG
- Problem 1.13(33-Met. Rec.).pdf
- Problem 139..PNG
- Problem 4.1(Met.Rec. Pr.90).pdf
- Problem 5(Almaty team selection for IZHO,2015)..PNG
- Problem 6 from 6-th CGMO,2-nd day,2007..PNG
- Problem involving Mobius function in C..pdf
- Problem involving continued fractions and the year 2020..PNG
- Problem involving continued fractions and the year 2020..pdf
- Problem on divisibility..PNG
- Problem on finding a limit with asymptotically defined sequences..PNG
- Problem on infinite summation involving arctan and year 2020.PNG
- Problem with determinant 1..pdf
- Problem with determinant 2..pdf
- Problem1.(32-nd Russian MO 2005-2006).pdf
- Proof 4. of (1)..PNG
- Proof of (l_a)²=bc-b₁c₁.PNG
- Proofs to three corollaries..pdf
- Properties of Arithmetic Progression.pdf
- Quadratic decomposition.PNG
- Quadratic equation with ⌊x⌋..PNG
- Quadratically connected sequences.pdf
- Range for three variables that subject to constraint..PNG
- Ratio of semiperimeter of an acute triangle to semiperimeter its orthotriangle..PNG
- Rationality of square root of some rational function..pdf
- Reciprocal inequality..PNG
- Recovering of an acute triangle by given sidelengths of its orthic triangle-1.PNG
- Recurrent system of equation (Variant of the original version).pdf
- Recurrent system of equation(improvisation)..pdf
- Recurrent system of equation.pdf
- Remark to Another cyclic inequality.PNG
- Repeated limit of one two dimensional sequence..PNG
- Representation of natural n via sum of squares of rationals numbers..PNG
- Representation of quadratic trinomial as linear combination of squares of two binomials..PNG
- S-Multidimentional sum with m-th power of min.pdf
- S181. Sol..pdf
- S289. Sol..PNG
- Sequence defined by 3-rd degree recurrence and given asymptotic..pdf
- Sequence defined by non linear recursion..PNG
- Sequence of integer numbers defined by recurrence that involved square root..PNG
- Sequence that generate squares of integers..PNG
- Sequence with exclusions..PNG
- Series of geometric inequalities..pdf
- Sharp Inequality.pdf
- Sharp geometric inequality..PNG
- Solution 2..PNG
- Solution of one non linear recurrence.PNG
- Solution2..PNG
- Solutions to problems S-35,S-36,S-37.pdf
- Strange inequality..PNG
- Strange inequality.pdf
- Sum involving tan and cos..PNG
- Sum of 3 quadratic roots inequality.PNG
- Sum of distances from circumcenter to the sides..PNG
- Sum of integer parts from square roots.PNG
- Sum of naturally weighted squares of binomial coefficients ..PNG
- Sum of squares of tangents and Chebishev Polynomials..pdf
- Sum of the cubes of the first n Fibonacci's numbers..pdf
- Sum of three fraction wich is integer for any integer n..PNG
- Sum with integer parts of quadratic roots.pdf
- Sum with integer parts..PNG
- Sum with tangents in square..pdf
- Superproblem with some irrational recurrence..PNG
- Superproblem with some irrational recurrence..pdf
- Superstable triangle.(MOG variant).pdf
- Symmetric inequality with asymmetric condition of equality 2..PNG
- Symmetric inequality with asymmetric condition of equality..pdf
- Symmetric inequality with asymmetric condition of equality..png
- Symmetric inequality with three variable and quadratic roots in denominators..PNG
- Symmetric inequality with three variables involving fractions..PNG
- Symmetric majorant for cyclic expression involving square roots..PNG
- System of equations involving determinant..pdf
- TOTTEN-11..pdf
- The greatest integer value of x(modified).pdf
- The least positive integer N..pdf
- The small investigation about one problem.pdf
- The sum of the series..PNG
- The value of the sum can be calculated, for example,by the such way..PNG
- Three ODE (Filippov 127-129) for MOG.PNG
- Three applications of AM-GM Inequality..pdf
- Three inequalities with 2 variables(solutions)..PNG
- Three inequalities...pdf
- Three perfect squares..PNG
- Three problems on sequences defined recursively..pdf
- Three proofs of one inequality..PNG
- Totally inverse inequality.pdf
- Triangle defined by lengths of two sides and lengths of angle bisector..PNG
- Triangles with largest integer semiperimeter..pdf
- Trig helps algebra-Solve the system..pdf
- Trig. equation (5.412. Skanavi).PNG
- Trig. equation with solutions in integers.pdf
- Trig. inequality with tangents-5454 SSMJ.pdf
- Trigonometric identity involving inverse cos and tan..PNG
- Trigonometric inequality in acute triangle.pdf
- Trigonometric inequality-S110..PNG
- Trigonometry helps algebra..PNG
- Two convertible inequalities..PNG
- Two inequalities for a sequence defined by nonlinear recurrence..PNG
- Two inequalities proposed by Mihaly Bencze..PNG
- Two inequalities with exradii and altitudes..pdf
- Two inequalities.pdf
- Two inequality instead one..PNG
- Two infinite nested roots..pdf
- Two linked sequences..pdf
- Two orthogonal segments in a isosceles triangle..pdf
- Two problems with Fibonacci numbers..PNG
- Two problems with inequalities..PNG
- Two proofs of one inequality..PNG
- Two quadratically connected sequences..PNG
- Two quadratically connected sequences..pdf
- Two solutions to one problem..PNG
- Two solutions..PNG
- Two strictly monotonic and unbounded secuences..pdf
- Two sums.pdf
- Two way to calculate one limit Sol.2.PNG
- Two way to calculate one limit. Sol.1.PNG
- U259. Sol. by proposer..pdf
- U271.Sol..pdf
- Upper bound for area of a triangle via lengths of bisectors.PNG
- Upper bound for nested n square roots..PNG
- Upper bound for one sum..PNG
- Upper bound for product of two medians..pdf
- Upper bound for sum of the first n terms of one sequence defined recursively..PNG
- Upper bound of one sum which defined via nonlinear recurrence.PNG
- Upper bound via lower bound..PNG
- Using Lagrange's identity.PNG
- Using invariant(edited).PNG
- Value of one algebraic expression.PNG
- Variant of the problem with softer claim to b..PNG
- Vector interpretation of one algebraic inequality..pdf
- Very transcendental equation..PNG
- W1 2014. Solution..pdf
- W10( J.Wildt IMC 2016)-solution.PNG
- W10-official solutions (J. Wildt IMO 2016).pdf
- W12, 2016-solutions.pdf
- W15-official solutions (J. Wildt IMO 2016).pdf
- W21,2016_ Solution..pdf
- W26,2016_Solutions.pdf
- W27,2016_Solutions.pdf
- W28,2016_Solutions..pdf
- W29, 2016-official solutions with adddition.pdf
- W31,2016_Solutions.pdf
- W4 2014. Solution.pdf
- W6,W7- official solutions (J. Wildt IMO 2016).pdf
- W7 2014 Solution 2..pdf
- W9 2016- solutions.pdf
- Wallis Formula..PNG
- Weighted minimization with squares of distances in a triangle..pdf
- Without L'Hopital's Rule..PNG
- Without words.PNG
- m + n + p.pdf
- p=a+b+c,q=ab+bc+ca,r=abc.pdf
- s,r minorant for product of angle bisectors in a triangle..PNG